This post is all about graduation party games and ideas for a great time on your special day!
You have just spent a good few years pouring over books and spending your days dedicated to your studies, it is time to give yourself a graduation party to remember.
With some great games, you can turn what could be a boring graduation party, to one that will be fun and memorable.
To help you plan your graduation party, here are some of the best games to play.
There are games for both indoor and outdoor graduation parties, so choose the ones that suit you best!
Graduation Party Games
1. Giant Connect Four

Source: @gardenpartyadelaide
Playing Connect Four as a kid was a good way to pass the time, but now with a giant Connect Four, everyone can take part in the fun outside, and it is great for all ages!
2. Steal The Grad Cap
This is a fun twist on the game steal the bacon. Line up two teams on opposite sides of a field. Place a grad cap between them.
One player from each team must run to grab the cap, and whoever doesn’t can try tag the player with the cap.
Whoever makes it back to their team with the grad cap wins.
3. Don’t Drop The Tassel
You cannot have a graduation party without Don’t Drop The Tassel. Teams of equal amounts line up into a straight line.
The first player holds the straw in their mouth with the tassel placed onto the straw.
They then need to pass this into the straw of the next player’s mouth without using hands.
All you need are straws (I like these plastic-less ones #fortheturtles) and tassels for this game.
4. Giant Pong

Source: @perfectpartiesusa
Pong is so much fun, but why not upscale it and use giant cups and a giant ball to play giant pong?
There can be teams on either side and whoever gets the giant balls in all the cups first wins! It can even turn into a giant pong tournament.
5. Dictionary Game
Test your English skills with the Dictionary Game.
Each player gets a turn to choose an obscure word in the dictionary, and then each other player will write down what they think the meaning of the word is.
The player who chose the word will write down the real meaning, and all the pieces of paper will be mixed.
Read these out, and whoever chooses the right meaning wins!
All you need is a dictionary or perhaps head on over to Urban Dictionary and randomize.
6. Tic Tac Toe Frisbee
Tic Tac Toe Frisbee is so easy to make. Layout a large piece of fabric and layout lines to create a Tic Tac Toe table.
Then give each person their own colored Frisbees, and the Frisbees are then tossed onto the squares following the usual rules.
If that sounds like too much work, you can always purchase a giant wooden tic tac toe game
7. The Game Of Things
Everyone can play this game at the same time.
Every round, one person will have a chance to make up a phrase such as “things you should never say to your teacher” and the other players write their answer on a piece of paper.
The person who came up with the phrase needs to match the answer to the players, and each right guess wins a point.
The person they matched is out of the game.
8. Bean Bag Toss
This is a classic game that pretty much everyone loves.
Layout the raised board with a hole at the top, and let players each have a turn at getting as many of their bean bags through the hole as possible.
9. Guess Who
This is a great game to play if all of your guests know each other. Give everyone a name tag and place it on their back, but the name tag will have another guest’s name.
They can ask yes or no questions to figure out whose name they have tagged on their back.
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10. Heads Up
This is an app that can be downloaded to your phone for free. You will need two equal teams.
One player will place the phone on their forehead and a word will pop up. The player needs to guess what the word is with help from their teammates.
11. Ladder Toss
Ladder Toss can be made with a simple laundry rack if you don’t have the right equipment, and weighted balls tied to either end of a piece of string.
Players have a turn throwing the rope onto the ladder and whoever scores the most points wins.
This post is all about graduation party games and ideas for a great time on your special day!
You have just spent a good few years pouring over books and spending your days dedicated to your studies, it is time to give yourself a graduation party to remember.
With some great games, you can turn what could be a boring graduation party, to one that will be fun and memorable.
To help you plan your graduation party, here are some of the best games to play.
There are games for both indoor and outdoor graduation parties, so choose the ones that suit you best!
Graduation Party Games
1. Giant Connect Four
Source: @gardenpartyadelaide
Playing Connect Four as a kid was a good way to pass the time, but now with a giant Connect Four, everyone can take part in the fun outside, and it is great for all ages!
2. Steal The Grad Cap
This is a fun twist on the game steal the bacon. Line up two teams on opposite sides of a field. Place a grad cap between them.
One player from each team must run to grab the cap, and whoever doesn’t can try tag the player with the cap.
Whoever makes it back to their team with the grad cap wins.
3. Don’t Drop The Tassel
You cannot have a graduation party without Don’t Drop The Tassel. Teams of equal amounts line up into a straight line.
The first player holds the straw in their mouth with the tassel placed onto the straw.
They then need to pass this into the straw of the next player’s mouth without using hands.
All you need are straws (I like these plastic-less ones #fortheturtles) and tassels for this game.
4. Giant Pong
Source: @perfectpartiesusa
Pong is so much fun, but why not upscale it and use giant cups and a giant ball to play giant pong?
There can be teams on either side and whoever gets the giant balls in all the cups first wins! It can even turn into a giant pong tournament.
5. Dictionary Game
Test your English skills with the Dictionary Game.
Each player gets a turn to choose an obscure word in the dictionary, and then each other player will write down what they think the meaning of the word is.
The player who chose the word will write down the real meaning, and all the pieces of paper will be mixed.
Read these out, and whoever chooses the right meaning wins!
All you need is a dictionary or perhaps head on over to Urban Dictionary and randomize.
6. Tic Tac Toe Frisbee
Tic Tac Toe Frisbee is so easy to make. Layout a large piece of fabric and layout lines to create a Tic Tac Toe table.
Then give each person their own colored Frisbees, and the Frisbees are then tossed onto the squares following the usual rules.
If that sounds like too much work, you can always purchase a giant wooden tic tac toe game
7. The Game Of Things
Everyone can play this game at the same time.
Every round, one person will have a chance to make up a phrase such as “things you should never say to your teacher” and the other players write their answer on a piece of paper.
The person who came up with the phrase needs to match the answer to the players, and each right guess wins a point.
The person they matched is out of the game.
8. Bean Bag Toss
This is a classic game that pretty much everyone loves.
Layout the raised board with a hole at the top, and let players each have a turn at getting as many of their bean bags through the hole as possible.
9. Guess Who
This is a great game to play if all of your guests know each other. Give everyone a name tag and place it on their back, but the name tag will have another guest’s name.
They can ask yes or no questions to figure out whose name they have tagged on their back.
You May Also Like: 47 Graduation Cap Ideas We Are Loving
10. Heads Up
This is an app that can be downloaded to your phone for free. You will need two equal teams.
One player will place the phone on their forehead and a word will pop up. The player needs to guess what the word is with help from their teammates.
11. Ladder Toss
Ladder Toss can be made with a simple laundry rack if you don’t have the right equipment, and weighted balls tied to either end of a piece of string.
Players have a turn throwing the rope onto the ladder and whoever scores the most points wins.
12. Key To Success
This is a messy game that everyone will enjoy!
Place a key into a few different pans and fill the pans with shaving foam or whipped cream. Place guests into teams with equal amounts of players.
Each player in a team gets a turn finding the key in each pan until every key is found.
13. Speechless in 2020
You will need to do some preplanning with this game. Bake mini cupcakes, and place a number in each to make up 2020. Make two sets.
Divide the teams into four players each. The players will take turns finding the number in each cupcake with their mouth alone and placing it on a paper plate.
The first team to make up the graduating year wins.
14. Ring Toss
Everyone loves a game of ring toss, so it would make sense that it would be great to have one set up at an outdoor graduation party! The most points win!
15. What Do You Meme?
What Do You Meme? Is the perfect game for a younger crowd!
You can either choose to play in teams or as individuals.
Each team or player is dealt caption cards, and a meme with a blank caption is displayed.
Each player has to match a caption card to the meme, and whoever has the funniest match wins the round.
16. Outdoor Twister
Source: @pinterestkids
Get a few different cans of spray paint and spray circle patches of each color onto your lawn.
Make a twister spin board with the same color and body parts and let the twisting games begin!
17. Pass The Orange
Pass The Orange is a good ice breaker for parties.
Split the guests into equal teams. Each team needs to pass an orange down the line, but the orange needs to be passed from neck to neck only using necks and chins, with no hands allowed.
18. Cap And Gown Toss
This is such a silly but fun game!
Tape a circle on the ground using masking tape. Place one player in the center of the circle and wrap them in a tablecloth.
Teams must then take turns throwing grad caps and gowns onto the player, and whoever gets all their caps and gowns on the player first wins.
19. Giant Jenga
Giant Jenga is one of the best outdoor games.
You can either choose to make the giant Jenga blocks yourself or purchase them online.
Guests will love stacking the Jenga blocks up and watching them topple over at the end of the game.
20.Who In The Room?
This game will transport you back to high school awards.
Each person draws a card with questions such as “Who in the room has the dirtiest mouth?”
Each person then gets a chance to think and everyone gives their answer on who in the room they think matches the question.
21. Horseshoe
This is a great game for all age groups.
You don’t need anything fancy for your grad party, so a simple spike and some horseshoe-shaped throws are all you need to set it up.
22. Dip-Low-Ma
You will need some good reflexes and even better dancing skills to play this game.
Team guests up into pairs and everyone plays at the same time.
Fill up balloons with as much air as possible and hand one to each pair.
Put on some music and every pair has to keep the balloon between them without popping or dropping the balloon, all while dancing.
The team who keeps their balloon the longest wins.
23. Rememory Game
This is a fun card game that can be purchased online.
Each player will draw three cards from different decks, assigned to a person, a time frame and a loose prompt.
The player then has to talk about a memory prompt by these cards to the rest of the group.
It’s a fun way to recap the last few years of studies and share great memories with friends.
24. Spike Ball
Spike Ball is the perfect game to play outdoors, and the more athletic players will love showing off their skills when playing Spike Ball.
25. Guess The Teacher
A great graduation party game!
Each player gets a turn to sketch a teacher, and everyone else needs to guess which teacher it is.
Once you have run out of teachers, you can start sketching each other to guess.
26. Taboo
Taboo is a board game that can be played indoors.
With Taboo, your teammates have to guess the word on your card, but you will need to describe the word on your card without using any of the forbidden words listed!
The rounds are timed so you need to be quick.
27. Charades
This classic game is ideal for graduation parties. Each player in a team gets a turn to act out a name or phrase without talking.
You can either act out friend’s names, pop culture, or anything else that you would want.
Don’t forget to pin, like, and share me!
12. Key To Success
This is a messy game that everyone will enjoy!
Place a key into a few different pans and fill the pans with shaving foam or whipped cream. Place guests into teams with equal amounts of players.
Each player in a team gets a turn finding the key in each pan until every key is found.
13. Speechless in 2020
You will need to do some preplanning with this game. Bake mini cupcakes, and place a number in each to make up 2020. Make two sets.
Divide the teams into four players each. The players will take turns finding the number in each cupcake with their mouth alone and placing it on a paper plate.
The first team to make up the graduating year wins.
14. Ring Toss
Everyone loves a game of ring toss, so it would make sense that it would be great to have one set up at an outdoor graduation party! The most points win!
15. What Do You Meme?
What Do You Meme? Is the perfect game for a younger crowd!
You can either choose to play in teams or as individuals.
Each team or player is dealt caption cards, and a meme with a blank caption is displayed.
Each player has to match a caption card to the meme, and whoever has the funniest match wins the round.
16. Outdoor Twister

Source: @pinterestkids
Get a few different cans of spray paint and spray circle patches of each color onto your lawn.
Make a twister spin board with the same color and body parts and let the twisting games begin!
17. Pass The Orange
Pass The Orange is a good ice breaker for parties.
Split the guests into equal teams. Each team needs to pass an orange down the line, but the orange needs to be passed from neck to neck only using necks and chins, with no hands allowed.
18. Cap And Gown Toss
This is such a silly but fun game!
Tape a circle on the ground using masking tape. Place one player in the center of the circle and wrap them in a tablecloth.
Teams must then take turns throwing grad caps and gowns onto the player, and whoever gets all their caps and gowns on the player first wins.
19. Giant Jenga
Giant Jenga is one of the best outdoor games.
You can either choose to make the giant Jenga blocks yourself or purchase them online.
Guests will love stacking the Jenga blocks up and watching them topple over at the end of the game.
20.Who In The Room?
This game will transport you back to high school awards.
Each person draws a card with questions such as “Who in the room has the dirtiest mouth?”
Each person then gets a chance to think and everyone gives their answer on who in the room they think matches the question.
21. Horseshoe
This is a great game for all age groups.
You don’t need anything fancy for your grad party, so a simple spike and some horseshoe-shaped throws are all you need to set it up.
22. Dip-Low-Ma
You will need some good reflexes and even better dancing skills to play this game.
Team guests up into pairs and everyone plays at the same time.
Fill up balloons with as much air as possible and hand one to each pair.
Put on some music and every pair has to keep the balloon between them without popping or dropping the balloon, all while dancing.
The team who keeps their balloon the longest wins.
23. Rememory Game
This is a fun card game that can be purchased online.
Each player will draw three cards from different decks, assigned to a person, a time frame and a loose prompt.
The player then has to talk about a memory prompt by these cards to the rest of the group.
It’s a fun way to recap the last few years of studies and share great memories with friends.
24. Spike Ball
Spike Ball is the perfect game to play outdoors, and the more athletic players will love showing off their skills when playing Spike Ball.
This post is all about graduation party games and ideas for a great time on your special day!
You have just spent a good few years pouring over books and spending your days dedicated to your studies, it is time to give yourself a graduation party to remember.
With some great games, you can turn what could be a boring graduation party, to one that will be fun and memorable.
To help you plan your graduation party, here are some of the best games to play.
There are games for both indoor and outdoor graduation parties, so choose the ones that suit you best!
Graduation Party Games
1. Giant Connect Four

Source: @gardenpartyadelaide

Playing Connect Four as a kid was a good way to pass the time, but now with a giant Connect Four, everyone can take part in the fun outside, and it is great for all ages!
2. Steal The Grad Cap
This is a fun twist on the game steal the bacon. Line up two teams on opposite sides of a field. Place a grad cap between them.
One player from each team must run to grab the cap, and whoever doesn’t can try tag the player with the cap.
Whoever makes it back to their team with the grad cap wins.
3. Don’t Drop The Tassel
You cannot have a graduation party without Don’t Drop The Tassel. Teams of equal amounts line up into a straight line.
The first player holds the straw in their mouth with the tassel placed onto the straw.
They then need to pass this into the straw of the next player’s mouth without using hands.
All you need are straws (I like these plastic-less ones #fortheturtles) and tassels for this game.
4. Giant Pong

Source: @perfectpartiesusa
Pong is so much fun, but why not upscale it and use giant cups and a giant ball to play giant pong?
There can be teams on either side and whoever gets the giant balls in all the cups first wins! It can even turn into a giant pong tournament.

5. Dictionary Game
Test your English skills with the Dictionary Game.
Each player gets a turn to choose an obscure word in the dictionary, and then each other player will write down what they think the meaning of the word is.
The player who chose the word will write down the real meaning, and all the pieces of paper will be mixed.
Read these out, and whoever chooses the right meaning wins!
All you need is a dictionary or perhaps head on over to Urban Dictionary and randomize.
6. Tic Tac Toe Frisbee
Tic Tac Toe Frisbee is so easy to make. Layout a large piece of fabric and layout lines to create a Tic Tac Toe table.
Then give each person their own colored Frisbees, and the Frisbees are then tossed onto the squares following the usual rules.
If that sounds like too much work, you can always purchase a giant wooden tic tac toe game

7. The Game Of Things

Everyone can play this game at the same time.
Every round, one person will have a chance to make up a phrase such as “things you should never say to your teacher” and the other players write their answer on a piece of paper.
The person who came up with the phrase needs to match the answer to the players, and each right guess wins a point.
The person they matched is out of the game.
8. Bean Bag Toss
This is a classic game that pretty much everyone loves.
Layout the raised board with a hole at the top, and let players each have a turn at getting as many of their bean bags through the hole as possible.

9. Guess Who

This is a great game to play if all of your guests know each other. Give everyone a name tag and place it on their back, but the name tag will have another guest’s name.
They can ask yes or no questions to figure out whose name they have tagged on their back.
You May Also Like: 47 Graduation Cap Ideas We Are Loving
10. Heads Up
This is an app that can be downloaded to your phone for free. You will need two equal teams.
One player will place the phone on their forehead and a word will pop up. The player needs to guess what the word is with help from their teammates.
11. Ladder Toss
Ladder Toss can be made with a simple laundry rack if you don’t have the right equipment, and weighted balls tied to either end of a piece of string.
Players have a turn throwing the rope onto the ladder and whoever scores the most points wins.

12. Key To Success
This is a messy game that everyone will enjoy!
Place a key into a few different pans and fill the pans with shaving foam or whipped cream. Place guests into teams with equal amounts of players.
Each player in a team gets a turn finding the key in each pan until every key is found.
13. Speechless in 2020
You will need to do some preplanning with this game. Bake mini cupcakes, and place a number in each to make up 2020. Make two sets.
Divide the teams into four players each. The players will take turns finding the number in each cupcake with their mouth alone and placing it on a paper plate.
The first team to make up the graduating year wins.
14. Ring Toss
Everyone loves a game of ring toss, so it would make sense that it would be great to have one set up at an outdoor graduation party! The most points win!
15. What Do You Meme?

What Do You Meme? Is the perfect game for a younger crowd!
You can either choose to play in teams or as individuals.
Each team or player is dealt caption cards, and a meme with a blank caption is displayed.
Each player has to match a caption card to the meme, and whoever has the funniest match wins the round.
16. Outdoor Twister

Source: @pinterestkids
Get a few different cans of spray paint and spray circle patches of each color onto your lawn.
Make a twister spin board with the same color and body parts and let the twisting games begin!
17. Pass The Orange
Pass The Orange is a good ice breaker for parties.
Split the guests into equal teams. Each team needs to pass an orange down the line, but the orange needs to be passed from neck to neck only using necks and chins, with no hands allowed.
18. Cap And Gown Toss
This is such a silly but fun game!
Tape a circle on the ground using masking tape. Place one player in the center of the circle and wrap them in a tablecloth.
Teams must then take turns throwing grad caps and gowns onto the player, and whoever gets all their caps and gowns on the player first wins.
19. Giant Jenga

Giant Jenga is one of the best outdoor games.
You can either choose to make the giant Jenga blocks yourself or purchase them online.
Guests will love stacking the Jenga blocks up and watching them topple over at the end of the game.
20.Who In The Room?
This game will transport you back to high school awards.
Each person draws a card with questions such as “Who in the room has the dirtiest mouth?”
Each person then gets a chance to think and everyone gives their answer on who in the room they think matches the question.
21. Horseshoe
This is a great game for all age groups.
You don’t need anything fancy for your grad party, so a simple spike and some horseshoe-shaped throws are all you need to set it up.
22. Dip-Low-Ma
You will need some good reflexes and even better dancing skills to play this game.
Team guests up into pairs and everyone plays at the same time.
Fill up balloons with as much air as possible and hand one to each pair.

Put on some music and every pair has to keep the balloon between them without popping or dropping the balloon, all while dancing.
The team who keeps their balloon the longest wins.
23. Rememory Game
This is a fun card game that can be purchased online.
Each player will draw three cards from different decks, assigned to a person, a time frame and a loose prompt.
The player then has to talk about a memory prompt by these cards to the rest of the group.
It’s a fun way to recap the last few years of studies and share great memories with friends.
24. Spike Ball

Spike Ball is the perfect game to play outdoors, and the more athletic players will love showing off their skills when playing Spike Ball.
25. Guess The Teacher
A great graduation party game!
Each player gets a turn to sketch a teacher, and everyone else needs to guess which teacher it is.
Once you have run out of teachers, you can start sketching each other to guess.
26. Taboo
Taboo is a board game that can be played indoors.
With Taboo, your teammates have to guess the word on your card, but you will need to describe the word on your card without using any of the forbidden words listed!
The rounds are timed so you need to be quick.

27. Charades

This classic game is ideal for graduation parties. Each player in a team gets a turn to act out a name or phrase without talking.
You can either act out friend’s names, pop culture, or anything else that you would want.
Don’t forget to pin, like, and share me!

25. Guess The Teacher
A great graduation party game!
Each player gets a turn to sketch a teacher, and everyone else needs to guess which teacher it is.
Once you have run out of teachers, you can start sketching each other to guess.
26. Taboo
Taboo is a board game that can be played indoors.
With Taboo, your teammates have to guess the word on your card, but you will need to describe the word on your card without using any of the forbidden words listed!
The rounds are timed so you need to be quick.
27. Charades
This classic game is ideal for graduation parties. Each player in a team gets a turn to act out a name or phrase without talking.
You can either act out friend’s names, pop culture, or anything else that you would want.
Don’t forget to pin, like, and share me!